A lot takes place behind the scene to make a bicycle club run smoothly. The NHCC has a Board of Directors for 2024 comprised of 7 fabulously dedicated volunteers who hold meetings periodically in order to conduct new business for the NHCC. Directors are selected from the membership by a Nomination Committee and elected at General Meetings, typically the Annual General Meeting. However, all members of the NHCC are encouraged to take part in planning and organizing activities by approaching any board member to discuss ideas, brainstorms, and anything else that might improve the NHCC.
Becoming a Director
If you are a member in good standing, and want to take a more active role in shaping the Club, why not consider submitting your name to the Nomination Committee for a future position on the Board? There’s no obligation by submitting your name, and you won’t be automatically elected. It simply means that you’d like to talk about the possibilities! If you think you might like to explore it further, please let our secretary know that you might be interested by sending an email to secretary@northumberlandhillscyclingclub.com
Board of Directors for 2024

Randy Albon, President
Randy is an original founding member, the first NHCC President (2010) and recently re-elected as the current President once again! His leadership and guidance are invaluable!

Paul Lam, Treasurer
Paul joined the NHCC in 2022 and brought with him a wealth of cycling experience and enthusiasm. Paul leads many of the Level 3/4 rides and likes to give people a run for their money!

Anita Macklin, Secretary
Anita is one of the original founding members of the NHCC and continues to work with the Board to guide policy development, chair the Ride Committee, participate in the Governance Committee and provide support wherever needed. She loves cycle touring in far away places!

Debbie Parks, Past President
Debbie has a love of cycling and socializing. Bring those two together and it’s a great fit for the Northumberland Hills Cycling Club. Debbie has served on the Board of Directors for the past 6 years. After completing 3 years as President she now enjoys taking care of compiling our Membership list.

Helmut Bock, Director
Recently elected to the Board of Directors, Helmut is an all-season cyclist an avid interest in cycling roads both paved and gravel! He has toured by bicycle in multiple countries and has an interest in developing maps and routes to be explored by bike.

Bill Glover, Director
Bill has been a member of the Club since 2018. he is very active in the cycling community as a volunteer with Cycle Transitions, and the Bicycle Action Committee of Sustainable Cobourg. Bill will be helping out in multiple capacities including three committees: Ride Development Route& Mapping, and Governance.

Janine Turk, Director
Janine is a long-time NHCCer, having joined in 2015. She’s a passionate supporter of the Level 2 rides, caring about each and every Member’s experience. Janine lives in Grafton.

This could be You!
If you believe in inclusiveness when it comes to cycling, and genuinely want to see the NHCC thrive, drop us a line! We’ll submit your name for consideration to the Nominating Committee for possible future vacancies on the Board. Email secretary@northumberlandhillscyclingclub.com
Founding members of the NHCC
Randy Albon
Past president (2010-14)
Anita Macklin
Past president (2014-17)
Vivian Vandenhazel
Paul Mills