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Members (only) use Cycle Club to view ride details, RSVP, and see who's riding.


The NHCC Route Library on Ride with GPS


2025! $45 for a whole calendar-year of Awesomeness


Off-season activities are free, but non-members need to sign a waiver


Here’s what the NHCC is up to!

Ride with GPS training is tonight, for Members!

Reminder of tonight’s Ride With GPS training for any club member who wants to know how to use the app to search for routes, interpret the distance & elevation on a given route, keep track of your rides, and understand the powerful mapping platform that the Club uses.  By the time it’s done you’ll know how to sift through, find routes, and get voice navigation of our 775 routes in the club Library. You’ll also learn how to share a route with others nearby with a quick & easy QR code. We have plenty of room for any club member who might want to join us! RSVP on the Cycle Club app to let us know you are coming.  6:00 at the Baltimore Recreation Centre.

Levels 2, 3, and 4: Help us decide start times for Evening Rides

Since the link in the previous post didn’t work, let’s try again!

6:00 or 6:30pm

Cycling season is about three months away and Ride Planners have been really busy behind the scenes, planning for the best cycling season yet!  The question is for Levels 2, 3, and 4— which works better, a 6:00 or 6:30 standard start time for evening rides? We want to know your preference to help us decide. This would apply from the start of the season until mid-August when daylight hours necessitate earlier starts. (Note: 2025, Level 1 will ride in mornings only.)

If the form does not appear on your device,  Click to view it on the NHCC Website.

Sunday Morning Hike, January 12 @ 9:30am

Start time: 9:30am
Start Location: Northumberland Forest, McDonald Trailhead, 507 McDonald Rd, Grafton

It’s beautiful in the forest right now and it’s supposed to be warmer Sunday morning so let’s go for a nice hike in the woods. We’ll do the same route that we did on the last Sunday hike except in the reverse direction so it’ll be a totally different view and without the rain like we had last time.

Starting at the Northumberland forest McDonald trailhead, we’ll do a loop of about 7 Km along some forest roads and trails.

Cross-country skiing Wednesday January 8, 11am

The snow is fine, and the skiing is great.  Tomorrow we are meeting up for the first ski of the season at Beagle Club.  11am.  Don’t worry if your ski legs are a little rusty—we’ll take it easy if need be.  We will ski as long or as short as you want. Bring a drink and a snack, cuz you never know how long we’ll be!

Time: 11:00am
Location: Beagle Club Trailhead
RSVP: Guests are welcome. Members, please RSVP with your Cycle Club.

Ride With GPS map training

We heard you! Members have indicated a need to better understand how to use our Ride With GPS mapping tools.  We have therefore developed three different training sessions. The first is for those who want to discover how to best use the features that Ride With GPS offers, and the second two sessions are targeted specifically for Route Map Creation.

Session 1: RWGPS (Familiarization with the Platform)

Wednesday, January 29, 6pm
This session is designed for our Ride Coordinators, Ride Leaders, and anyone else who wants to learn more about using Ride With GPS for navigation. We’ll learn how to:

  • Find routes in the Club Library and beyond
  • How to include a route map for your posted Rides
  • How to learn about the expected elevation on a route
  • Understanding heat maps
  • Discover the different map layers
  • Building route Collections

Session 2: RWGPS—Map Making (Beginner)

Wednesday February 26, 6pm
This session is designed for anyone who wants to empower themselves to create route maps. It will be of particular interest to Ride Coordinators, Ride Leaders, members of the Mapping Team, and anyone else who wants to take their knowledge further.

  • Route planning & editing
  • Using global and personal heatmaps
  • Reviewing and customizing Cuesheets
  • Using and interpreting the Elevation Profile
  • Splitting and combining routes
  • and more

Session 3: RWGPS—Map Making (Intermediate-Advanced)

Monday March 31, 6pm
This session is designed for those who want to further their skills and become Route Planners extraordinaires! We’ll take on the challenges of:

  • Converting Rides to Routes
  • Using the cue review tools
  • Advanced route splitting
  • Editing ride details
  • Trimming and ride cleanup
  • and more

If you are an NHCC member interested in any of these sessions, please RSVP using your Cycle Club account so that we can anticipate numbers.

Sunday Morning Hike, Dec 29th

Start time: 9:30am
Start Location: Northumberland Forest, McDonald Trailhead, 507 McDonald Rd, Grafton

Starting at the Northumberland forest McDonald trailhead, we’ll do a loop of about 7 Km along some forest roads and trails.

Should be quite beautiful in the forest after the big snowfall.

Sunday Morning Hike, Dec 15th

Start time: 9:30am
Start Location: The Kinglet loop trail entrance just west of 700 Bowmanton Rd. at emergency location marker # 11.

Parking on the south side.

We’ll explore parts of the Kinglet loop, Oak Ridges Trail and some forest roads. Aiming for 7 – 8 Km which will get everyone home in time for lunch.

Lost & Found from the AGM

Someone went home from the AGM and left their coat behind. A photo of it can be seen in the Announcements section of your Cycle Club account. Let us know if it’s you, shivering in the cold & getting wet. We’ll reunite you with your coat!

Gear Swap Pictures!

If the Gear Swap pictures didn’t show up on your mobile device you can click on this link here:

Sneak Peak of Thursday’s Bike and Ski Gear Swap (and AGM)

Things are shaping up for Thursday AGM and Bike and Ski Gear Sale & Swap—people are rounding up bikes, cycling wear, parts, & all sorts of odds 'n ends.  Just to give you a little preview, here are some bikes and other goodies that we know of so far!  We'll start the Gear Swap at 6:30. Bring a little cash, or be prepared to e-transfer individuals should you make purchases. If you are bringing gear, please ensure you have labelled your items beforehand with your name.  See you all Thursday!