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Guests may ride with the NHCC for up to three rides


Just $45 for a whole calendar-year of Awesomeness


Here’s what the NHCC is up to!

Hiking & Biking this week!

Tuesday Night Hike:

Date: Tuesday December 5
Start time: 6pm
Start location: Park outside of Baltimore John’s on Cap Wilson Rd

Exploring Baltimore (Helmut says you’ll be amazed—that alone should be enough to make you come out!) After the hike we can go inside for some beer & wings & fries.  Btw, the wings there are fantastic. Flashlights will be required. 

Rouvy Thursday Ride:

Riding in Italy this week. And to make it super-awesome, it’s a nice flat ride. All are welcome. No worries about getting dropped—Rouvy performs magic to keep everyone together on the big screen so that it’s truly a group ride regardless of your individual pace & effort. Here are the details:

Date: Thursday December 7
Start time:
Route: “Lao di Garda” Italy
Distance: 27km
Average grade: 0%
Ascent: 95 ft
Max grade: 4%


“Rouvy” Thursday Virtual Ride at 6:30pm: “The Caves” in Australia

If you’ve got a smart trainer and want a fantastic group to join, give it a try on Thursday evening! It’s a 26km ride along the “Caves” route in Australia. Anyone is welcome, and if you worry that you won’t keep up, don’t! You still give it your best effort to get a great workout, but Rouvy magnetically keeps everyone together on the big screen so that it’s truly a group ride regardless of your individual pace & effort. You get to talk to each other too! Here are the details:

Start time: 6:30pm
Distance: 26km
Average grade: 1%
Ascent: 692 ft
Max grade: 7%

Doesn’t that sound like fun? If you are intrigued, but don’t have a smart trainer let us know and you can come take a looky at Randy’s setup while it’s happening and you can see how the ride unfolds on the big screen—like a spectator! (message Randy at 905-376-8696) 

Sunday Morning Forest Hike, 9:30am

Paul will lead a nice 5-6 Km hike on a portion of the Elderberry and Dragonfly trails and Split Rail Rd. The trail portion of the hike is single-track and will have some up and down. The entire hike should take between 1.5 to 2 hrs so everyone should be back home in time for lunch. If anyone wants to go longer, you can add on the easy Carstairs loop afterwards.

Date: Sunday November 26, 9:30am
Start Location: Carstairs Parking Lot (north side of Bowmanton Rd just west of the Donkey Sanctuary @ Bowmanton/9)

RSVP: Members, please use your Cycle Club account to indicate you are coming. Guests are welcome. 

Hiking in Northumberland Forest, Sunday at noon

Tomorrow we are going to hike in the Woodland area of Northumberland Forest. Mike S. will lead the group along some fantastic trails. Wear some high viz clothing, bring a drink & a snack and be ready for some adventure.

Date: Sunday November 19, noon
Start Location: Woodland Trailhead parking lot, Northumberland Forest

RSVP: Members, please use your Cycle Club account to indicate you are coming. Guests are welcome. 

The NHCC Nobel Prize—Make a nomination!

Each year we at the NHCC select a single individual for what we call the NHCC Nobel Prize that we award at the AGM, which by the way is next Thursday evening.  We’d like to get your input on who to choose. It can be anyone you feel makes the NHCC great. It has nothing do with speed & fitness, and everything to do with who they are and what they contribute to yours (and others) experience in the NHCC.  

Make your nomination. Click here!

Virtual Club Ride – “Rouvy Thursday” November 16 at 6pm – Mallorca Spain

Got a smart trainer and want to keep up your fitness level? We are going to try out some virtual group rides and the first one will be this Thursday evening. There are many platforms to try, but this week we will give Rouvy a go for this inaugural virtual evening ride. It will be a nice & short 11 km ride, 2% grade and you can’t get dropped because the Rouvy Magnet “boosts” riders so that we automatically stay together. Like magic! There is no need to worry about pace—all levels will be able to keep up.

If you have a smart trainer you will need to set up a Rouvy account. We recommend using the free trial period to see how we all like it before committing further to the Rouvy platform. If you have any questions about how to get started feel free to call Randy at 905-376-8696.

Date: Thursday November 16, 6pm
Start location: Your house!

Members please RSVP on the Event in Cycle Club so we know who to expect.  
Guests are welcome (no waiver required, lol)

Getting to the ride:
Login into Rouvy and navigate to Group Rides/Scheduled Events and scroll down to the Northumberland Hills Cycling Club event at 1800h.






Evening Hike: Tuesday November 14th

For this week’s Tuesday night hike, meet at Baltimore John’s on CR 45. Park on Cap Wilson Rd, beside Baltimore John’s. We will walk through the Baltimore Mill Conservation area then Lime Kiln Trail and end up at the restaurant for something to drink or eat (optional). Bring a good light since some of this hike is not lit and may be pitch black.

Date: Tuesday November 14th, 6pm
Start location: Baltimore Johns, 4620 Hwy 45, Cobourg

RSVP: Members please RSVP using your Cycle Club account. Guests are welcome provided they sign a waiver (we will have them available at the start).

2023 Year-end Membership Survey

It’s your chance to make a difference for next season. Our fantastic team of volunteers honestly give immense effort to steer the club in the right direction. We are always listening, but know that improvements can always be made.  Can you provide some completely honest and anonymous feedback (hopefully constructive!). Just 10 little ‘ole questions, that’s it. 

It’s Anonymous—Cuz we know that sometimes honesty may only come anonymously. 

What do we do with the results?

We present the overall highlights at our AGM (which takes place on Thursday November 23, 2023). Then over the winter months we work hard to factor in your feedback when planning and organizing next year’s grooviness. 

Click here to take the 2023 Membership Survey

Mountain Biking at Noon (Short notice)

It’s too nice of a day to miss out on a mountain biking opportunity. This one starts at Woodland Trailhead for a change at noon. Randy’s leading the way for this one.

Date: Friday November 10th 
Start time: 12:00pm
Start location:
Woodland Trailhead, Northumberland Forest

RSVP: Members can RSVP under the Events section of your Cycle Club account.

Mountain Biking, Thursday and Saturday

Helmut’s got some mountain bike rides on the schedule for you adventurous types. For those who want to be adventurous but don’t have a mountain bike, he’s also got a Medium size bike he’s willing to loan out. Just let him know and he’ll make the arrangements with you.

Thursday November 9th 

Start time: 1:00pm
Start location:
Beagle Club Trailhead, Northumberland Forest

Saturday November 11th 

Start time: 1:00pm
Start location:
Beagle Club Trailhead, Northumberland Forest

RSVP: Members can RSVP under the Events section of your Cycle Club account.