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Members (only) use Cycle Club to view ride details, RSVP, and see who's riding.


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2025! $45 for a whole calendar-year of Awesomeness


Off-season activities are free, but non-members need to sign a waiver


Here’s what the NHCC is up to!

Evening Hike: Tuesday November 14th

For this week’s Tuesday night hike, meet at Baltimore John’s on CR 45. Park on Cap Wilson Rd, beside Baltimore John’s. We will walk through the Baltimore Mill Conservation area then Lime Kiln Trail and end up at the restaurant for something to drink or eat (optional). Bring a good light since some of this hike is not lit and may be pitch black.

Date: Tuesday November 14th, 6pm
Start location: Baltimore Johns, 4620 Hwy 45, Cobourg

RSVP: Members please RSVP using your Cycle Club account. Guests are welcome provided they sign a waiver (we will have them available at the start).

2023 Year-end Membership Survey

It’s your chance to make a difference for next season. Our fantastic team of volunteers honestly give immense effort to steer the club in the right direction. We are always listening, but know that improvements can always be made.  Can you provide some completely honest and anonymous feedback (hopefully constructive!). Just 10 little ‘ole questions, that’s it. 

It’s Anonymous—Cuz we know that sometimes honesty may only come anonymously. 

What do we do with the results?

We present the overall highlights at our AGM (which takes place on Thursday November 23, 2023). Then over the winter months we work hard to factor in your feedback when planning and organizing next year’s grooviness. 

Click here to take the 2023 Membership Survey

Mountain Biking at Noon (Short notice)

It’s too nice of a day to miss out on a mountain biking opportunity. This one starts at Woodland Trailhead for a change at noon. Randy’s leading the way for this one.

Date: Friday November 10th 
Start time: 12:00pm
Start location:
Woodland Trailhead, Northumberland Forest

RSVP: Members can RSVP under the Events section of your Cycle Club account.

Mountain Biking, Thursday and Saturday

Helmut’s got some mountain bike rides on the schedule for you adventurous types. For those who want to be adventurous but don’t have a mountain bike, he’s also got a Medium size bike he’s willing to loan out. Just let him know and he’ll make the arrangements with you.

Thursday November 9th 

Start time: 1:00pm
Start location:
Beagle Club Trailhead, Northumberland Forest

Saturday November 11th 

Start time: 1:00pm
Start location:
Beagle Club Trailhead, Northumberland Forest

RSVP: Members can RSVP under the Events section of your Cycle Club account.


Evening Hike! Tonight at 6:00

We are on for tonight’s hike.  Meet at Port Hope Town Hall parking lot for 6:00. We’ll hike for about 8km on in-town roads and then for those who are feeling all social and thirsty, we’ll head into the local pub.  Dress warm! The forecast is looking chilly.

Date: Tuesday November 7, 6pm
Start location: Port Hope Town Hall parking lot

RSVP: Members can respond using their Cycle Club account. Guests are welcome but need to bring a signed waiver. (We’ll have a few waivers on-hand if you forget)

NHCC Activities for this week (October 30 to November 4): Biking, Hiking, and more Biking!

We just can’t hold Helmut back—he’s got three rides posted for the week. Two gravel rides and mountain biking on Saturday. Plus, on Tuesday night we have our Halloween Hike.  Wear a spooky costume if you wish and throw some treats in your pockets. We can hand goodies to kids when we see them.  We’ll stick to hiking on roads & sidewalks this week, no off-roading.  Wouldn’t want to miss the trick or treaters. Likely we’ll head into an establishment afterward for a drink of some sort.  

The Quick Facts: 

More details about all rides are found in your Cycle Club account Events page (Members only). Guests are welcome but need to bring a signed “2023 Non-cycling Activity Waiver for Guests” found on the website in the right hand column.  

Tuesday October 31st: Halloween Hike 

Start time: 6:00pm
Start location: 
Port Hope Town Hall Parking Lot 

Tuesday October 31st: Afternoon Gravel Ride (Level 3/4)

Start time: 1:00pm
Start location:
Baltimore Recreation Centre, 23 Community Centre Rd., Baltimore

Thursday November 2nd: Afternoon Gravel Ride (Level 3/4)

Start time: 1:00pm
Start location:
Baltimore Recreation Centre, 23 Community Centre Rd., Baltimore

Saturday November 4th: Afternoon Mountain Biking (Level 3/4)

Start time: 1:00pm
Start location: 
Northumberland Forest Woodland Trailhead (on the east side of Hwy 45)

Hiking & Biking—Upcoming NHCC activities

The weather changes by the minute, so we are hoping for the best!  We have the Evening Hike on Tuesday, and some gravel riding on Thursday followed by mountain biking on Saturday.  And, next Tuesday evening it’s Halloween so we’ll get our costumes ready (optional, of course) for a Halloween Hike!  

The Quick Facts: 

More details about all rides are found in your Cycle Club account Events page (Members only). Guests are welcome but need to bring a signed “2023 Non-cycling Activity Waiver for Guests” found on the website in the right hand column.  

Tuesday October 24th: Evening Hike 

Start time: 6:00pm
Start location: 
Port Hope Town Hall Parking Lot 

Thursday October 26th: Afternoon Gravel Ride (Level 3/4)

Start time: 1:00pm
Start location: 
Hazel Bird Nature Reserve, 9636 Beavermeadow Rd E, Baltimore 

Saturday October 28th: Afternoon Mountain Biking (Level 3/4)

Start time: 1:00pm
Start location: 
Beagle Club Trail Head, 101 Beagle Club Rd, Harwood

Tuesday October 31st: Evening Halloween Hike

Start time: 6:00pm
Start location: 
Port Hope Town Hall Parking Lot 

The 2023 NHCC AGM & Social Festivity: Thursday November 23, 2023

It’s our 2023 AGM & Social Festivity! All NHCC members & guests are welcome. Here’s how it goes—we do a little official club biz to get it out of the way (legal requirements and all), then get down to the good stuff—Socializing! Reconnect with friends you’ve made over the past year of NHCC activities and help us celebrate a successful 2023 season! You’ll elect & meet the Directors for next year (2024) and you’ll get a chance to discuss Club matters of the past and future! And hey, there’ll be free refreshments (that alone makes it worthwhile!). Best of all, you can renew your memberships for next year at the special AGM rate of just $35.

Date: Thursday November 23th, 2023
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Baltimore Recreation Centre
Agenda: Agenda for the 2023 AGM

RSVP (important): We need to know how many people are coming so that we can adequately plan refreshments. RSVP on your Cycle Club Events Calendar. Leave a comment in the Discussion section if you plan to bring a guest (is we can keep track of numbers).  You may also email us at

Forest Hike, Saturday at 1:30

Some will be out mountain biking, but for those who prefer exploring on two feet instead there’s a forest hike happening tomorrow (Saturday) at 1:30. Dress in layers and bring fluids to drink. Expect to be out for about 2 hours. 

Date: Saturday October 21
Time: 1:30pm
Start location: Beagle Club Trailhead, Northumberland Forest
Event Leader: Maria Siemiaszko

Guests are welcome. Please bring a signed waiver with you (available on the website, right hand column).

RSVP: NHCC Members May RSVP on the Cycle Club Events Calendar.