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Members (only) use Cycle Club to view ride details, RSVP, and see who's riding.


The NHCC Route Library on Ride with GPS


2025! $45 for a whole calendar-year of Awesomeness


Off-season activities are free, but non-members need to sign a waiver


Here’s what the NHCC is up to!

Employment Opportunity for Summer Student at Cycle Transitions

Cycle Transitions, our Cobourg based non-profit community bicycle shop has an employment opportunity for a Summer Student.  The position pays $16.00 per hour for 30 hours a week, for 9 weeks.  Start date is around May 22nd.  The individual must be returning to school in order to apply.

The ideal candidate would be a self-starter, able to work unsupervised, with an outgoing personality. An interest in bicycle mechanics & maintenance is preferred but not essential. Some of the duties will include opening & closing the shop, being on premises to supervise shop users, assist with sales of bicycles and parts, and other general administrative tasks. 

Please share and spread the word. If interested or want to ask a few more questions, call Randy at 905-376-8696

Cycle-Safe Safety Basics online Zoom training: Three dates to choose from

A little bit of information could go a long way toward preventing the unthinkable. We know first-hand that the unthinkable can happen to anyone—even to the most experienced! We encourage safety training for brand-new members as well as those who have been cycling for years. In fact, those with experience can add much to the discussions. We encourage all club members to participate in one of our  NHCC Cycle-Safe Basics (online) sessions. There will be three different dates to choose from:

Wednesday May 17th, 7:00pm
Wednesday May 24th, 7:00pm
Wednesday June 7th, 7:00pm

The NHCC Cycle-Safe Basics (online) is a jam-packed session about 2 hours long and delivered by Bruce Bellaire (certified CanBike Safety Instructor from Cycle Transitions) .  This theory will cover essential safety principles and group riding techniques to help you build confidence in riding with a group and in traffic safely. You will be introduced to:

  • Cycling and the Law
  • Basic Bicycle Inspection
  • Traffic Cycling Principles
  • Where do you ride
  • Collision avoidance
  • Lane positioning
  • Intersections
  • Rules of the Road
  • Right and Left turns
  • Group Riding Safety 

RSVP:  Fill out the form (below) or email us to let us know which session you would like, or Email us and we’ll send you the Zoom invite.  Easy!

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The 2023 NHCC Regular Ride Season Starts next week!

The much anticipated start of our 2023 regular cycling season begins! This means that there will be recurring rides on Tuesday Evenings at 6:00 (Levels 1, 2, 3/4), Thursday Mornings at 9 or 10am (Levels 1, 2, 3/4), Thursday Evenings 6:00pm (Level 3/4), and Sunday Mornings at 9 or 10am (Levels 1, 2, 3/4). The rides for next week have now been posted on Cycle Club! Other rides will also appear on our Ride Calendar from time to time as well, but will be above and beyond the standard rides. 

Full details of next week’s rides are all found in your Cycle Club Account.  If you haven’t already created your account, please do so.  Start here!

**Although this Tuesday is our first “Regularly scheduled ride”, we anticipate it may get cancelled due to really miserable weather—we will watch & see! Ride cancellations typically occur when it becomes imminent that the weather is just making it either dangerous or too uncomfortably cold & wet. When a ride is cancelled you can see notification of such on your Cycle Club account.

Start time for rides: For the month of May the start times for rides may start earlier or later than usual in order to maximize warmer daytime temperatures. Be sure to always check start time as they may vary.

Note about ride scheduling: Rides are posted on the club’s calendar a week or two at a time. They are NOT posted for the entire season.  This allows the Club to best be flexible and respond to changing needs of those who come out to ride, and those who lead.

The Quick Facts:Upcoming Rides (May 1st to May 7th)

Tuesday May 2: Evening Ride
Start time: 6:00pm
Levels:1, 2, 3, and 4
Start location:
 Donegan Park (D’Arcy St. in Cobourg)

Thursday May 4: Morning Ride
Start time: 10am
Levels:1, 2, 3, and 4
Start location:
Westwood Park on Carlisle St. in Cobourg

Thursday May 4: Evening Ride
Start time: 10am
Levels: (3/4 only)
Start location:
Haldimand Community Memorial Arena

Sunday May 7th: Morning Ride
Start time: 10am
Levels: 1, 2, 3, and 4
Start location: Cobourg Memorial Arena


Why do I need  to sign up for a Cycle Club account?
To RSVP to a ride: Allows Ride Leaders to anticipate participants and plan accordingly.  You can see who’s riding too, which is kinda nice, isn’t it? Among others things, it also gives the Ride Leader access to your emergency contact information in the event of a mis-hap.  Ride Leaders only have access to that critical information if you have RSVPd! 

Where and when do rides start?
We like variety! Start locations will vary ride to ride, depending on where the Ride Leaders wish to take the group. Occasionally the start time will also vary, for instance in the heat of July and August when we move the morning rides to 9am in order to beat the heat.  As the season progresses and days become shorter, you may see evening rides starting a little earlier.

How can I ask questions about a Ride beforehand?
With your Cycle Club account, there is a Discussion feature attached to each and Event (Ride) where you can post questions that the Ride Leader or other participants may respond to.

Ride Cancellations:
Bad weather happens—Rides may sometimes be cancelled due inclement weather, and other unforeseen circumstances.  Through your Cycle Club account you will receive notifications of such.

Guest Riders:
We welcome guests! So if you have company visiting, or just know of a friend or two who might like to try it out there are Guest Waivers on our website that they’d need to sign and bring to a ride.  Guests may ride for up to 3 rides before a full membership would be required.

Group Rides, Ride Leaders, and Sweeps:
Most of our rides are Group Rides.  This means that there will be a Ride Leader whose role it is to ensure that the ride is safe and enjoyable while following the Club’s Risk Management Guidelines.  There will usually be a Sweep working with the Ride Leader, and whose role, among others, is to be at the back of the group, ensuring nobody gets left behind. 

Your Ride Leader is the one with the skill, experience and leadership abilities to help guide others. During a ride, a Ride Leader will establish the pace (speed) of the ride. They will not necessarily be at the front of the group all of the time but rather mingling and integrating to ensure overall cohesiveness of the group.  They are the first point of contact for troubleshooting issues and safety concerns.

Which Level should I choose?
Start easy and work your way up! Aim for a level lower than what you think you might be able to handle, and if it’s far too easy for you, you can certainly try out the next level up. We have four Levels to choose from, starting from Level 1 and increasing in speed and difficulty as you move up.  You are not locked into any particular level! You are welcome to participate in any level on any ride, if you are able to keep the pace.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on the road!  🙂

Pre-season Mountain Biking: Saturday and Sunday

Should be a good weekend for forest mountain biking, both starting at Beagle Club trailhead. Helmut’s got two morning rides planned, approx 2-3 hours each time. If you don’t have a mountain bike he has a spare or two laying around. Just give him 24 hour notice so he can do a maintenance and safety check. The trails are in good shape and not muddy. Some of the trees might be budding.

Saturday April 29, 10am
Start location: Beagle Club Trailhead at Northumberland Forest

Sunday April 30, 10am
Start location: Beagle Club Trailhead at Northumberland Forest

More information about the rides and the ability to add “Discussion” items is all found in your Cycle Club account!

RSVP: Use your Cycle Club account to let Helmut know you are riding!

First Aid Training for Ride Leaders

The NHCC is committed to improving safety standards in every way possible.  Therefore, we have approval to fund 6 ride leaders for Emergency First Aid & CPR Training (Red Cross). The course will consist of up to 4 hours of online modules (self-paced, done on your own time at home), followed by one in-person session on the evening of Monday, May 8th (evening) (local venue & time to be determined). If you think you’ll lead some rides this summer and can benefit from some first aid training, just email us to apply for one of the six spots we have reserved—there’s no cost to you, the NHCC is covering that!


Level 1 could use your help. How ’bout it?

We are busy getting organized for the start of the regular season and in order to get the Thursday morning Level 1 rides onto the calendar we need a few ride leaders. Someone who has a little familiarity with Level 1 rides and knows what to expect. Maybe a team of two leaders—even better! Even if you can only do every second Thursday, perhaps we can coordinate that. As a ride leader all you’d really need to do is choose a starting location each week, let us know where it will be, and then take the group out for a ride.  Maybe plan an ice-cream stop from time to time. Does that sound like you? If so, drop us a line at


Pre-season Level 3/4 morning ride: Friday

The forecast sounds pretty stellar for tomorrow so let’s ride! We’ll head out for a 39k ride up to Gores Landing then over to Harwood, then back down south again. This one’s not about speed (as our pre-season rides tend to be). It’s about getting bums accustomed to sitting in the saddle again, this time with a few scenic hills.

Friday April 21: Level 3/4 Morning Ride

Start location: Hamilton Township Municipal Building on Majestic Hills Rd.
Start time: 10am
Route Map: (Available on the Cycle Club app)
Distance: 39km
Level of difficulty: Level 3/4

RSVP: Please respond using your Cycle Club account to let us know you’ll be riding.

Pre-season: Mountain bike rides this weekend, Saturday and Sunday

Pre-season mountain biking with Helmut! That’s what we’ve got for you this coming weekend.  He’s been out in the forest and checked out the conditions and they are looking good.  He even has a few loaner bikes if you don’t have one, just give him 24 hours notice & he’ll see about getting it together—leave him a message in the Discussion section for the ride in your Cycle Club account.

The Quick Facts:

Saturday April 22: Morning Mountain Bike ride
Time: 10am
Start location: Northumberland Forest, Beagle Club Trailhead

Sunday April 23: Morning Mountain Bike Ride
Time: 10am
Start location: Northumberland Forest, Beagle Club Trailhead

RSVP: Please use your Cycle Club account to let Helmut know you’ll ride.