NHCC Rides for the week of: Monday Aug. 7 to Sunday Aug. 13

This Sunday is special—it’s the All Levels Ride & Pizza Event at Maria and Andy’s. Please RSVP before Friday to let us know you are coming so we can shop and get the pizzas ordered.  (No cost for Club members!).  Details are on your Cycle Club account.  Hope to see you there!

Also, please remember that evening rides are starting a little earlier, so be sure to check on start times.  

The Quick Facts: 

More details about all rides are found in your Cycle Club account Events page.

Tuesday August 8th: Evening Ride

Level 1, and 2 (Start time: 5:30pm)
Start location: Donegan Park, 25 D’Arcy St., in Cobourg

Level 3/4 (Start time: 6:00pm)
Start location: Hamilton Township Municipal Offices, 8285 Majestic Hills Dr., Camborne

Thursday August 10th: Morning Ride

Level 1, and 2 (Start time: 10:00am)
Start location: King’s Field Park at 28 Victoria St., South, Port Hope

Level 3/4 (Start time: 9:30am)
Start location: Squirrel Creek Conservation Area, 2520 Wallace Point Rd, Fraserville

Thursday August 10th: EVENING Ride (Level 3/4 only)

Level 3/4 (Start time: 6:00pm): 
Start location: McDonald Trailhead, Northumberland County Forest, 507 McDonald Rd, Grafton (about 2Km north of Centreton Road)


Start time: 11:00am
Start location: Shelter Valley Rd (exact address provided in your Cycle Club account Events page)

Members only: Please let ride leaders know you are in, using your Cycle Club Account.  
Guests: Those wishing to ride as our guest may leave a comment on the website to let us know you are coming. Please bring a signed Guest Waiver with you (available in the right-hand column of our website)

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