NHCC Rides for the week of: Monday July 10 to Sunday July 16

Fantastic Bike Maintenance 1.0 workshop last night! Wheels came off—wheels went on—tubes came out—tubes went in. Drive trains; cleaned & lubed! Thank you Randy and Helmut for sharing your time & expertise with club members. There are still more upcoming Workshops, so check out the NHCC website for more.

Tonights Tuesday ride starts on Shelter Valley Rd, with the address provided in your Cycle Club Event calendar. (If you don’t have access to Cycle Club, email us using the Contact page of the website and we’ll send it off to you lickety split).  On Thursday all the Levels are going to ride from the Waterfront Trail from Whitby for an out-and-back experience along some beautiful off-road paved multi-use paths. The 3/4s previewed it last week and loved it! Each Level will ride as far as they want then turn around and return. Please, always note start times—they may vary from week to week!

The Quick Facts: 

More details about all rides are found in your Cycle Club account Events page.

Tuesday July 11th: Evening Ride & Porch Social

Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 (Start time: 6:30pm): 
Start location: Shelter Valley Rd. (Address on the Cycle Club Event Calendar, or email us for it)
**Bring your own drinks and snacks if you want to sit around for the post-ride social)

Thursday July 13th: Morning Ride

Levels 1, 2, 3/4 (Start time: 9:30am): 
Start location:Waterfront Trail Parking lot near Rotary Sunrise Lake Park (249 Water St., Whitby) There is a parking lot directly north of the East Pier.

Thursday July 13th: EVENING Ride (Level 3/4 only)

Level 3/4 (Start time: 6:30pm): 
Start location: Haldimand Community Memorial Arena, 10766 County Rd 2, Grafton

Sunday July 16th: Morning Ride

Level 1 (Start time: 10:00am)
Start location: Diamond Head Industrial Mall Inc, 210 Willmott St, Cobourg

Level 2 (Start time: 9:00am)
Start location: Westwood Park, 665 Carlisle St. Cobourg

Level 3/4 (Start time: 9:00am)
Start location: To be determined (Please monitor the Cycle Club Events Calendar)

Members only: Please let ride leaders know you are in, using your Cycle Club Account.  
Guests: Those wishing to ride as our guest may leave a comment on the website to let us know you are coming. Please bring a signed Guest Waiver with you (available in the right-hand column of our website)

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