2nd Call for Ride Leaders

Okay, so maybe you were a little shy the first time around and thought “noooo….I’m not confident enough for that!”. Here’s the 2nd call for Ride Leaders! We still need more if the Club is to continue offering the variety of rides we have all come to enjoy. One area that we are hoping to develop this year is more daytime rides. We still need leaders at all levels, but could really use more for:

  • Longer daytime rides at a Level 2+ pace (New for this year if we can get enough leaders)
  • Level 4 (the non-speed-restricted group—just set a nice pace and off you go!)
  • Level 1 (the nice easy ride where you get to enjoy the scenery!)

We will get you trained and ready to go. You don’t even need to worry about planning routes—we have a library of already established routes to choose from. We’ll mentor you until you feel confident enough to lead! Really, you just need safety training and be able to maintain the appropriate pace of your chosen group. Everything else is easy peasy. Soooo….let us know if you think you can help!

If you are viewing this on a mobile device and don’t see the Form below, please visit the NHCC website.


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