Annual General Meeting: Tuesday November 30 (Evening)

This is just a little pre-announcement so that you can put the Annual General Meeting & Social on your calendars.  We’ll be holding it the evening of Tuesday November 30th (around 6:30), at the Baltimore Recreation Centre. This one is in-person, and the venue is huge enough that everyone can spread out however far you need to feel comfortable! This year we will reflect on 10-Years of the NHCC.

Plan to come on out for the evening! In addition to the required business of electing Directors for the Board and a few other official biz things, we’ll have yummy refreshments, there’ll be those groovy new Club Jerseys to purchase, and of course for this night only, current club members will be able to renew memberships for the best price of the year—$35!

Hey! It’s a Social—all members of the NHCC are welcome to attend, and you are also invited to bring your significant other, who by the way, may also get a membership for $35!!

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