Bike Ride! Wednesday afternoon, January 11th, 1:45pm

The weather shows some great conditions for tomorrow — who can resist a ride on dry roads with the sun shining and 5° in the middle of January? Meet at The Mill for 1:00 and we’ll choose a route.

Start time: 1:45pm
Start location: The Mill Restaurant, Cobourg
Route: To be determined

If you are interested in riding, please indicate so by commenting below.


  1. I’ll be there but I haven’t even been on my bike for over a month so I’ll be even slower than usual. (I know…hard to imagine…) I won’t mind if the other riders want to scoot ahead.

  2. Maybe…it depends on how our carpet installation goes in the morning. Is the start time 1:00 pm or 1:45? I will comment again in the morning if I am coming.

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