It’s that time of year when people start thinking about buying, selling, trading, or upgrading their bikes and other associated gear. Why not start here by leaving a comment with all of your details about what you are looking to sell/buy/swap? Please be sure to leave as much information as possible, as well as your contact information in the comment so that interested people can reach you.
Bicycle for sale
Woman’s Giant Escape RX Composite.
Originally bought for $1500.00 5 years ago .
It is in immaculate condition and all cleaned at Cycle Transitions ready for the next season.
I have added a mirror, bottle holder, back rack and computer.
I want to sell it for $700.00.
If you are interested email me at
Kelly, what size is your bike? My wife is about 5 ft 6 inches. She would like an easier to mount woman’s style bike but maybe I could interest her in a light frame.
I am 5 feet 7 in and the bike was fitted for me.It is very light, easy to put in the car .The seat is comfortable and has a gel pad on it.