EASY RIDE: Wednesday May 2, Donegan Park 7:00pm

Previous known as Novice Rides, these rides are for everyone, but are particularly beneficial for new riders who are still getting used to their bikes, don’t quite know how to use those gears yet, and who could take advantage of some of that wonderful knowledge that the experienced riders can share with them.

New This Year
Each night before heading out on these rides, the ride leader will take about 10 minutes to “share some knowledge” and answer questions either about bike maintenance, safety, group riding, or any number of other things. This is the time to ask all those questions you were afraid to ask before. This week we’re talking Proper Bike Helmet Fitting.

Easy Group Riding
The routes are meant to be easy. The pace will be set by those who are in attendance and nobody will get left behind. In the spirit of “group” ride we will travel together in a group. To make these rides the huge success that they were last year, we rely on support from our experienced folks who are happy to mentor others.

These are the rides where you can set yourself some goals for the season. If you are brand new to cycling, start out going 15 or 20k and work your way up to some longer distances as the season progresses.

Bike Week Raffle Tickets (Win a new bike!)
Bike Week is coming up next month, and during bike week there are raffle tickets being sold to win a free Opus Urbano Comfort Bike, Gift Certificates for The Bike Shop or a Bicycle Tune-up from Port Hope Bicycle. Tickets are $5 for one, and 3 for $10. They’ll be available at the start of the ride.

Start time: 7:00pm
Location: Donegan Park
Ride Leader: Paul Mills
Route: To be determined by ride leader

Please comment below to say you’re coming!


  1. I wish I could be there but my last treatment finishes at 7pm so…can’t make it. Now that the warmer weather is upon us, I will try to free up my Monday and Wednesday evenings for these rides.

  2. I’m bringing my friend Krystal who’s going to join tonight…..so go easy on her! 🙂

  3. Hmmmmm…..radar’s not looking so good at all. Take a look, folks. Click on the Weather Network Radar link in the right hand column near the top of this page. Then click on the little arrow that says “animate map” It actually shows some serious rain biz heading our way. The Accuweather site says about 19 mm of rain coming but doesn’t say exactly when. I’m gonna re-assess at about 6:15.

    • you’re right – looks like it starts around 7 so I’m going to pass and just go around “the block” out here. Too bad !

    • The site I looked at showed rain starting at 7pm (70% pop) I’ll see if it is still dry at 7pm before heading out!)

  4. The rain’s not holding off…..there was a brief moment here where some big fat drops of rain pummelled the ground then stopped. It’s the calm before the BIG RAIN that’s coming.

  5. I’m still sitting here looking out the window thinking Do I or Don’t I…..
    I’m going to trust the radar and stay home.

  6. Only Roy and Diane showed so no ride tonight.I tried to sell some raffle tickets to the soccer parents but thunder followed by lightning. No sales,nor ide ,bummer.

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