Happy New Year everyone! It may be cold and snowy outside but the NHCC Executive is busy planning for the 2020 season. We need your help! We are always looking for ways to make our club better and we are always in need of ride leaders. Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey. While we plan over the winter months we use the survey to help bring you a great season of fun, fitness and friendship.
The survey is anonymous, unless you choose to identify yourself. Thank you! Click here for the link to the survey
I will be away a good portion of the summer, so I won’t commit this year.
Thank you Petra. Your responses to the survey are still always appreciated. Fill it out if you have time.
I tried to answer the survey on my IPad but it is not letting me write anything. You need to be in google chrome (in case anyone else has that issue). Once I went on google chrome instead of safari, I was able to answer in my IPad.