Monday, October 3rd: Evening Ride (5:45pm)

We’re starting even earlier. 5:45

That will give us a little over an hour to ride. We’ll head out 35 minutes and then turn around and come back, ensuring we’re back by around 7:00. At the moment the weather predicts 60% chance of showers in the evening but we know the weather man lies. In any case, we also know we’ve got some hard-core riders who apparently will ride even if it’s freezing cold and rainy  🙂

Don’t forget to bring red lights for the back of your bikes.

Start time: 5:45
Start location: The Mill Parking Lot
Route: To be determined
Ride Leader: To be determined. Anyone want to lead?

Please indicate by commenting if you will come out for the ride.


  1. I plan to be there. Checking at 5:10 to see if the ride is still on. Radar says very little moisture in the air. Nothing that a jacket Can’t take care of.

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