New Rides have been posted on the Club Calendar for June 14-25th

We’ve got two different series of rides to roll out over the next two weeks. These are daytime morning rides, just to get started.  We’ll be adding more rides to the calendar, so stay tuned! 

Easy/Beginner Ride Series: This is a series of four rides that Dennis Benson will lead over the next two weeks, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Designed for both brand new members as well as those who enjoy a casual, leisurely pace. You will have the opportunity to learn some safe-riding techniques from Dennis, who is CanBike trained and knows just about everything there is to know about Safety! There usually isn’t a particular route associated with these rides, and they remain in-town and local to Cobourg.
Ride Planner: Dennis
Terrain: A
Pace: Leisurely
Type of ride: Group

Building Mileage Series: The second of the “Building Mileage” series of four rides over the space of two weeks on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. This one is 46km in distance. This is designed for experienced riders who are looking to just build up some base mileage—the speed and strength rides will come later! Its an all-round effort to get back in the saddle and start building base mileage. They will be “Regroup Rides”, meaning we might spread out, and regroup at specific points along the way.
Ride Planner: Anita
Terrain: C
Pace: Moderate
Type of ride: Regroup

IMPORTANT: Please RSVP if you want to ride!—Due to COVID restrictions it’s important that Ride Planners know how many to expect so that they can plan accordingly. It’s easy! Ride details and the RSVP feature are here on the Club’s Ride Calendar. Just click on the ride you want to participate in, and the information will pop up with an RSVP button that you can click.


  1. Are there no longer rides after work? Meaning around 6:00? Are all the rides now just mornings?

    • There will be evening rides coming soon! We’re just getting ride planners in place, and we’ll be sure to announce them too when they are ready to roll.

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