New Years Day Bike Ride & Potluck! Rain, Shine, or Snow!

bikeYes, that’s right. We’re starting off 2013 with our traditional New Years Day bike ride and Potluck. So if you haven’t got any warm weather riding gear, better ask Santa. Unless there’s a clear and present danger due to ice, we ride! If you prefer to stay indoors where it’s toasty warm and watch the crazy folks ride, you are welcome to do that too.

This ride is open to all. It won’t be a crazy speed. Just something easy and fun, distance to be slightly weather dependent.

Since it’s being hosted at Randy’s home (your club president), please ensure that you RSVP by commenting below so that he can plan accordingly. And since it’s our club policy to not publish members addresses, if you need directions you’ll have to email us and we will send it to you.

Date: January 1st, of course!
Time: 1:00pm (Ride) 3:00pm (Potluck)
Address: Randy’s Home Email for information

Note: The Ontario Cycling Association has not yet provided the club with the necessary information to affiliate or have insurance in place for 2013. Therefore, since our club insurance expires on December 31st, this will not be an OCA sanctioned ride. If you wish further information, please email us. We hope to hear from the OCA as soon as possible and will keep you informed!


  1. I plan to be there for the ride, as usual. Maybe we will get a few more brave souls riding this year. We had a blast (literally, since it was so windy!) last year!

  2. For some reason, I am still not getting the club emails. I happened to check the website just now and found out about the new year’s day ride which I’d forgotten about. So yeah, I’ll be there with lots of woolies on but no snow tires so…yikes!

  3. One more sleep before the first ride of the year!
    Looks like we may have some snow covering on the roads and if thats the case the ride may be more of a “token ride” and relatively short for safety reasons.
    In any case it is best to bring a “Winter” or “beater” bike for such a ride.
    I will open my garage for chain cleaning and wipe downs after the ride.
    Also a reminder that this is not a sanctioned club ride as the OCA insurance details have not been fully determined as of yet. Ride at your own risk.
    Also please bring a small non perishable donation for the local food bank.

    Hope to see you all on New Years Day

    Randy and Anita

  4. I almost forgot! If anyone is interested there is a small hottub so dont forget your swimming costume if you care to warm up after the ride. I have plenty of towels.
    See you soon.

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