Ride: Sunday September 4th: Town and Country (29.5km) (10am)

Please note that the start time is 10:00am

This ride is going to be an easy 29 km because of the biggy 100km ride that many are doing on the next day (Monday). This is the very first route that we did as a club way back in May. It’s easy, not very hilly, so should be a good ride for all skill levels. This would be a great ride for some of the Monday riders who are looking for a little more challenge.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The park on Carlisle St. between Ewing St. and Westwood.
Route map and directions: Town and Country route map

Please comment below if you are coming.


  1. Anita and I are watching the weather/radar, its not looking like such a nice day.
    Is anyone still thinking of going today?
    We are planning on doing the 106 K ride tomorrow…….

  2. As Randy is busy frosting cupcakes at the moment, I’ll speak for the both of us and say that we’ll probably be there. 🙂

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