Forget the Christmas shopping, you’ve still got more than two weeks to go. There’s no snow predicted for Sunday, so you’d better not put your bike away yet because we’ll be riding again on Sunday. It’s predicting 2° so far and sunshine! Hey, with any luck we’ll be riding right up until Christmas time this year. Rumour has it that a few riders braved it and went out for a ride this morning.
As with Thursday, meet at Donegan Park and depending on wind patterns we’ll either head east toward Wicklow Beach or alternatively out to Theatre Rd and then to Cornish Hollow and beyond. Either way, the start point will be Donegan Park.
Start time: 10:00am
Start location: Donegan Park
Route: If wind is north/south: Wicklow Beach and back (39km)
Alternate Route: If wind is east/west: Town and Country (start at Donegan Park, not Carlisle as indicated on map) (37km)
If you are interested in riding, please indicate so by commenting below so others can plan accordingly too.
I would really like to go on this ride. If anyone else is going I will forgo the MTB rides and head out with you.
I’ll ride!
insanity- but okay. M
Oh you are so brave. I’d like to join you but my gallery will be open so…I’ll have to stay here by the woodstove. Darn.
The snow has hit the roads here at Randy’s and on Cornish Hollow. There’s a combo of snow and ice lingering on the roads around here…..unless it melts away by tomorrow I think the northbound route will not be a desirable option unless you are riding your mountain bikes. Anyone want to weigh in on the east/west Wicklow route?
For safety we need the roads to be clear and dry. When we rode Thursday there were a few patches of snow on the road in Baltimore but they did not seem to be slippery. What was the real killer though was the wind. If the wind is too strong Sunday I will have to forgo this ride, I can’t keep my hands and feet warm.
Well, the weather does say that gust of wind are forecast for later tomorrow morning. And the roads up here are definitely not road-bike friendly right now. I’m really tempted to say Winter Weather wins this round and stay home, warm and cozy.
I will have to forgo this ride, out of town. Have gone out at least once in december but plan to go out again, no matter what we get in terms of weather.
Is anyone up for a tromp in the Forest?
I’m in!!! I’m in.
walking ! not riding!
Oh 🙁
I would ride in the forest, meet 10am Beagle club road parking lot?
10am it is!!!
Use the above link to see the pictures from today’s ride.
Good pics, more snow then here, see you tomorrow!
Okay, today was so fun!! We rode on fire roads, much like road riding, but you do need a mountain bike, but I know a couple people who started out road riding on mountain bikes so you could have ridden today, (Maryanne, Paul) no excuses next time!!
I rode – but on the road !! maybe I’ll try woods one day – just seems bumpy & jarring & not so much fun maybe??
did you see the message I wrote in Jamies windshield ? walked in woods in am