Sunday June 30th: Century Ride around Rice Lake

Well, sort of a century ride…..a century ride plus 7km (107km total). We leave from the Bewdley Arena at 9am and travel around the lake starting with the south side. We’re not having an “official” lunch stop, but Hastings is the half-way point so folks can organize amongst themselves if anyone wants to pause and eat in the restaurant or grab something on the go. Being such a long ride, note that the start time is at 9:00am

This one isn’t quite as flat and fast as the Presqu’ile route was…’s got some hills. Up and down, pretty much all the way.

Start time: 9:00am
Start location: Bewdley Arena parking lot (Lake St. in Bewdley)
Route map: Printable route map here here or link to Ride with GPS

No ride leader is designated this time. Although we will generally ride as a group, it’s possible that smaller groups may break off. Each of us should print out a map and be sure to buddy up on the ride so that nobody rides alone. If you want to stop in Hastings for lunch, use the commenting section below to make plans with others.


  1. I will ride and am wondering if anyone would like to eat after the ride at Rhino’s Roadhouse? David does that mean we need to brong O2 for you:)?

  2. I think Rhino’s is a great idea!
    I pre-rode the route today on my motorcycle and think we need to forget the gravel portion at the North West end of Rice Lake.
    I am thinking that staying on County Rd 2 to 28 would be the best route.
    Instead of reposting the route we can discuss the change tomorrow before we leave.
    Hope to see lots of folks out there for our Canada Day weekend century.

  3. I plan to ride, and hope that there is somebody out there who I can ride with as Dave isn’t riding and I wont keep up to the faster people.

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