Sunday May 22 (38 or 19km) from The Mill Restaurant, 10am

This Sunday’s ride will depart from The Mill Restaurant in Cobourg (as was the plan for last Sunday) with the option to go into the restaurant for lunch afterward.

This week’s short route (19.5km) bypasses the worst hill. Thank-you Paul, for mapping out the route.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The Mill Restaurant
Route map and directions: Click here for the route map.
Ride Leader: Need volunteers for both Long and Short rides.

Please comment below if you are riding and if you will join in for Lunch so that a reservation can be made. Since it’s the long weekend the restaurant could be busy on Sunday so we’ll need to know numbers—Spouses, friends, and family are more than welcome at restaurant.


  1. Hmmm – our crystal ball says rain won’t begin until afternoon. If it’s correct, Sue & I will ride & have lunch.

  2. Weather permitting I’ll be there. So will Liam and Randy and myself.
    We’ll do lunch too after the ride. Let’s hope we aren’t rained out again.

  3. Nancy and i plan on doing the short route (no lunch at the Mill) if it’s not raining.. the weathernetwork right now is not promising.. but who knows?

  4. The weather from Environment Canada says there’s a 40% chance of rain later this afternoon, so it should be okay to ride today. I’m going to make a reservation at the Mill for around 12:30 under the name “Northumberland Hills Cycling Club” See you all then!

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