The 2023 NHCC AGM & Social Festivity: Thursday November 23, 2023

It’s our 2023 AGM & Social Festivity! All NHCC members & guests are welcome. Here’s how it goes—we do a little official club biz to get it out of the way (legal requirements and all), then get down to the good stuff—Socializing! Reconnect with friends you’ve made over the past year of NHCC activities and help us celebrate a successful 2023 season! You’ll elect & meet the Directors for next year (2024) and you’ll get a chance to discuss Club matters of the past and future! And hey, there’ll be free refreshments (that alone makes it worthwhile!). Best of all, you can renew your memberships for next year at the special AGM rate of just $35.

Date: Thursday November 23th, 2023
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Baltimore Recreation Centre
Agenda: Agenda for the 2023 AGM

RSVP (important): We need to know how many people are coming so that we can adequately plan refreshments. RSVP on your Cycle Club Events Calendar. Leave a comment in the Discussion section if you plan to bring a guest (is we can keep track of numbers).  You may also email us at

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