Thursday Night Hike – December 5th

We will meet in the parking lot at the Port Hope Town Hall at 6:00 p.m. and then do a semi-urban hike of 5 to 8 kms. Afterward we sometimes pop into a local establishment for a beverage and wings. It’s always a good idea to wear a light or two on these evening hikes, but for the month of December let’s “festive it up” and wear battery operated Christmas lights (optional of course and only if you have them). We usually get a few reactions from passers by and it makes us super visible.

These hikes are free to non-members. We just need a signed off-season waiver (see right side of NHCC homepage).

Time: 6:00 p.m.
Start Location: Port Hope Town Hall parking lot
Hike Leader: Deb Parks

Please leave a comment if you are able to join us. Thank you!


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