2020 NHCC Annual Meeting

It’s been a year like no other, and there’s nothing normal it seems! So here it is—the 2020 Annual Meeting for the NHCC on Thursday October 29th, 2020, 6:30pm will be conducted virtually (via Zoom) following best practices for a safe, socially distanced event. All 2020 NHCC members are invited to attend and are eligible to vote, and hey, you can participate from home in your jammies if you so desire!

So what happens at the Annual Meeting? We will do a few official things, such as review the minutes from the 2019 Annual Meeting, take a look at our financial position, and elect a few new Board members. Then we’ll have an informal exchange of thoughts and ideas about new directions for the Club. It’s an opportunity to be social from afar, and stay connected!

RSVP: You must let us know you want to participate by dropping a quick note to the secretary so she can plan ahead and get you all linked up.  Email here: secretary@northumberlandhillscyclingclub.com

Format of meeting: Virtual (online)
Date & Time – Thursday, October 29, 2020, 6:30pm
Chair: Debbie Parks (President)

AGM Business
1. Welcome address (President: Debbie Parks)
2. Approval of Agenda and Minutes from 2019 AGM (President)
3. Treasurer’s Report, Special Resolution: To waive a Review Engagement of the NHCC 2019 Fiscal Year (Secretary/Treasurer: Freda Dong)
4. Membership Report (Membership Director: Geoffrey Honey)
5. Election of directors (Secretary: Freda Dong)
-Candidates for re-election: Freda Dong, Anita Macklin
-New candidates for election: Bill Glover, Helmut Bock, Jim Breckenridge
6. Adjourn (President: Debbie Parks)

Informal Discussions
1. The impact of COVID on the NHCC
2. Off-Season activities
3. New directions for 2021

Click here to review the relevant documents for the meeting.


  1. I’ve tried several times to send a confirmation of my participation in the AGM Zoom meeting on October 29th, but the email comes back. Please include me in the Zoom link, by way of confirmation in this reply. Many thanks….Petra

  2. I like the setup of the notice, presenting the agenda and with a hot link for the documents. It looks like it will be a strong board with the new members.

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