A word from your new & recycled NHCC President

Wow, what a non-year it’s been! We had such big plans for the NHCC’s 10th Anniversary, but it was not to be. The season needed to wait….but trust us, we will be back as strong as ever as soon as conditions allow! The board has continuously monitored COVID-19, reviewing and discussing options since this all began.

When it comes to safety, we are a conservative bunch and decided not to ride this past cycling season. We had hoped to launch off-season Hikes and Cross-Country Skiing but with increasing COVID numbers we have chosen yet again to put that on hold until the numbers stabilize. Disappointing, but necessary. I hope that you were able to make the most of our unprecedented situation and stayed active this past summer.

We recently conducted our virtual AGM and elected some new board members to replace ones whose terms were expiring. I would like to introduce you to your new NHCC Board of Directors:

Randy Albon (President)
Freda Dong (Treasurer)
Anita Macklin (Secretary)
Debra Parks (Past President)
Bill Glover (Director)
Helmut Bock (Director)
Jim Breckenridge (Director)

We’d like to recognize outgoing board members Geoffrey Honey and Maria Siemiaszko, both who have contributed so generously to the success of our Club. We are so very grateful and fully intend to keep them close by! I have the distinct pleasure of being chosen as President for the second time since the club was founded! For those who may be wondering, there was a smooth transfer of power with no rioting nor recounts necessary.

The new Board has been meeting virtually and discussing exciting new directions for the Club including several committees that have been established (Rides, Mapping, Social, etc.). We are truly hopeful, crossing our fingers & toes that the 2021 cycling season will start on time in spring. In the meantime, why not join one of our committees and help with some planning this winter!—just email secretary@northumberlandhillscyclingclub.com to let us know you’re interested! This club is only as strong as its volunteers.

“Ride With GPS” Club Account Webinar Series: Looking for something to do? Ride With GPS is the mapping tool that the Club uses. They are offering a three-part Webinar series to learn how to make the most of Ride With GPS for 2021. It’s free, and you can choose any or all of the sessions.

  • Session 1: Club Admin Features and Options
    Thursday December 3, 7-8pm
  • Session 2: Club Member Benefits and How to Use Them
    Thursday December 10, 7-8pm
  • Session 3: Plan and Customize a Route
    Thursday December 17, 7-8pm

Read more and Register for a session by clicking here! 

The NHCC was founded as a community based bicycle club, accommodating and encouraging fantastic people of all ages and abilities in their cycling pursuits. I give you my word that this will continue as the club moves through then beyond this “unprecedented” year! We’ve been going strong for more than 10 years, and value each an every member!

Randy Albon, President, NHCC


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