Join the “Level 4 Ride Format” Discussion: Sunday at 8:15pm

The NHCC is exploring the option of separating the combined Level 3/4 rides into their own independent rides, but no decision has been made yet.  This discussion examines Level 4 (not Level 3). We invite anyone who is interested to join the discussion to hear some ideas, and provide your own input.  This Zoom meeting will be of interest to:

  • Riders interested in faster rides (Level 4)
  • Riders interested in longer distances minus breakneck speed (Level 3+)
  • Those who want a mix of fast or medium speed rides as part of a Level 4 experience (maybe a few hills to boot)

If you’d like to be part of something potentially great, let us know! If you can’t attend the Zoom but have some ideas you’d like to share, you are welcome to get in touch with us and we’ll convey your input.

Date: Sunday April 7, 2024
Time: 8:15pm 
RSVP: Drop us a line and we’ll send you the Zoom Invitation

Want to participate but can’t make the Zoom? Call or send us a text—9053768696

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