(Levels 2, 3, and 4) Sunday July 18 Ride: EASY 42km or 102km

If you are looking for some easy distance riding, this one is for you! There are two distances to choose from: 42km or 102km. Everyone starts in Colborne at the Keeler Center and rides to the lighthouse at Presqu’ile Park. Upon exiting the park, the 42km group will return to Colborne while the 102km group will continue on into Prince Edward County. The 102km crowd can choose to do a nice & easy Level 3 pace, or you can choose to give it all you got and go at a fast Level 4 pace. We will organize into groups according to pace and distance at the start of the ride. 

Date: Sunday July 18
Start time:
Ride Planner: Anita Macklin
Distance: 42km (Level 2) or 102km (Level 3 and 4)
Terrain: A
Pace: Mixed Paces
Type of ride: Group (multiple groups according to distance)
Start location: Keller Centre in Colborne

RSVP: We like to know how many to expect! You can RSVP two different ways.

  • The easiest way! Visit the NHCC Ride Calendar, click on the ride you are interested in, then click RSVP or,
  • Leave a comment right on the website to say you are coming!


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