Last week was a washout, so let’s hope for better this Monday. The days are getting shorter, but there’s still plenty of opportunity to get some rides in. We’ll meet at The Mill restaurant parking lot and head out for a little country ride. A few hills, but nothing too crazy. We need a ride leader for this one. Anyone willing to take this on?
Start time: 7:00
Start location: The Mill Restaurant, Cobourg
Route: To be determined
Ride Leader: Glen Fitchett
Please indicate by commenting if you will come out for the ride.
I’ll be missing this ride!
I am planning to ride, and could lead if needed!
Thanks Glen, for volunteering to lead the ride!
I have never been out to anything, but would be interested in coming if that is possible. I sent in a message on the ‘contact’ page with questions about joining, but haven’t heard back yet. Would it be okay if I came tomorrow?
I have printed out the membership form and Waiver and will bring it to tonight’s ride.
I’ll be there !
Tam and I will be there.