The weather is just to good to resist. For those of you who are in need of working off some of that turkey tomorrow, there’s a few people talking about riding to Presqu’ile and back for a total of 100km. Straight there, straight back, no restaurant breaks—so pack a PBJ sandwich or something in your jersey. There may be a convenience store or two along the way to re-load drinks if necessary.
Start time: 9:00am
Start location: Donegan Park
Route: Follow the Waterfront Trail with a diversion into the park and all the way to the lighthouse.
Please indicate by commenting if you will come out for the ride.
Randy, Liam and I cannot ride, due to our turkey festivities. Wish we could though, tomorrow promises to be even nicer than today!
I will ride tomorrow but would like one other RSVP yes!
I will see how I feel. Please don’t count me in just yet.
sorry Vivian, other commitments…
Tam says I can go. Can someone contact George fro Port Hope? He was interested in a ride.
I did mention it to him today when we rode but I will contact him
Got the message through to George.
Awake and getting ready.
I wish I was coming with you guys 🙁
Making my sandwich!
Would that be a turkey sandwich Vivian?
Enjoy the ride, I am jealous too!
peanut butter!! I think I set a new PB today!
Are you back already???
We were back at 1pm!! There was a stop to wait for a train, to walk out to the light house, eat a sandwich and an apple stop!