Sleep in, recover from your previous evening’s indulgences and then— BIKE RIDE!!
In keeping with tradition, Randy’s New Years Day Ride and Potluck will take place on January 1st. If the weather isn’t cooperating with your sense of adventure and you want to do the Potluck only you are welcome to mingle at the house while others ride.
Here’s what you need to bring:
–Your spouse or partner is welcome
–A yummy dish of some sort
–Dishes and cutlery
–Your bike (if you are riding)
–A non-perishable food item for the food bank
The length of the ride will be weather dependent. If it’s totally miserable out there, the potluck will still go forth. For those of you who know where Randy’s house is, great! If you need an address and directions please email Randy and he’ll make sure you have the info.
Time: 1:00pm
Place: Randy’s house
Route: To be determined (weather dependent)
Note: This is an open, privately held event. It is not an OCA club-sanctioned ride and therefore club membership is not required if you want to participate.
Please RSVP by commenting below so that Randy knows how many to expect and can plan accordingly.
I’ll be there! Don’t know about the ride though…..the roads have to be dry and ice-free for me since I don’t have appropriate tires otherwise.
Darn can’t make it, we will be out of town.
I get back from Paris the evening of the 30th but it will be early morning of the 31st in my body due to the time change. I would really like to attend but I may be totaly jet lagged and out of it. (It took me four days to adjust when I flew to Paris, so…) Could I please say a tentative “yes” to the pot luck (bur probably not the ride because it’s been so long since I’ve been on a bike) If I am completely exhausted, I won’t join you but I’d like to try. That OK?
I plan to ride for sure as I couldn’t miss this New Years Day tradition!
Will be good to see you Brian!!
James and I will be there! I am bringing my mountain bike and a shrimp ring!!
I’ll be bringing some sort of a hot dish in my slow cooker (can’t decide what though).
Left over meat balls!
Oooooo, I never thought of that! Would’ve saved me some time today! I made jambalaya instead 🙂
I will be there for the ride. Tam might make something for the dinner but she will not be attending.
I managed to arrange things so I can be there ! not sure what Ill be bringing as I’m not a cook… maybe will talk my sister into making something!
Away for New Years eve. and back late next day. Sounds like you’ll have a good time. See ya on the roads.
The sun is shining, slow cooker is underway and my road bike is making it’s way onto the top of Randy’s car……looks like I’m riding today!
BTW, Randy has a small outdoor hot tub for those of you who might need to warm up after the ride.
I’ll be there, not sure yet about Maaike.
Hope the rain on the radar holds off!
It is such a gorgeous day out there! I went north up Cornish Hollow Rd hoping we could make it towards Rice Lake however the roads are still snow covered in spots. We will need to stay south, maybe head into town and back. Looking forward to seeing you all real soon!
Came down with a nasty flu a few days ago. Had every intention of coming..Damn! You guys will have a perfect day for a New Years ride. Enjoy the ride and the indulgences afterword.Happy New year to all.
Thanks for a great time everyone ! Next on the “to buy” list – a fender & some “cycling galoshes” (galoshes is a way better word than booties…in my humble opinion)!!