NHCC Bike Handling Safety Training (three upcoming dates)

We encourage you to take part in one of three NHCC Bike Handling Safety Training opportunities that the Club is offering. This is an in-person, on-bike safety skills session where you’ll learn and put into practice some communication training such as proper signalling, crash avoidance techniques such as quick turns and threshold braking (emergency stopping) among other things. It’ll make you more confident in your bike-handling skills and you’ll be that much more capable of riding safely. There will also be an on-road portion where the group will put together and reinforce all the safe-cycling principles. We have three different dates to choose from, the first one taking place this Saturday morning and there are no prerequisites to sign up.

Saturday morning—June 17th, 10:00am, at Cycle Transitions
Saturday morning—June 24th, 10:00am, at Cycle Transitions
Wednesday evening—June 28th, 6:30pm, at Cycle Transitions

Address: 740 Division St Building 17 South 4th Street off of D’Arcy southbound

The training is about 2 hours long and delivered by two instructors including Bruce Bellaire (certified CanBike Safety Instructor from Cycle Transitions).  

RSVP:  Please use your Cycle Club account to let us know you will attend.  If you don’t have access to Cycle Club you can email us to let us know  Secretary@northumberlandhillscyclingclub.com


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