NHCC General Meeting Tuesday Night, May 1, 2012 (6:00pm)

Hopefully all members of the NHCC have received the announcement of a General Meeting this Tuesday night. Since officially incorporating, rules require that after incorporation we hold a General Meeting of the membership to officially elect a board of directors and to pass a set of Bylaws, both of which will happen at Tuesday’s meeting.

Board of Directors
Once elected to the Board of Directors, the Board is responsible for choosing a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer from among the Board. Nominations to the Board of Directors can be made by any member of the club and is open to all club members. Election is by simple majority vote by those present at the meeting. The current Board of Director positions are held by:
Randy Albon: President
Anita Macklin: Vice-President
Vivian VandenHazel: Secretary
Paul Mills: Treasurer
The above have indicated interest in continuing their role and have agreed that should they be re-elected they would accept. If you wish to nominate any member of the NHCC for the Board of Directors, please do so by commenting below. Nominations will also be accepted on Tuesday night in person prior to election.

We are required to present and pass a set of by-laws during this meeting. The proposed bylaws can be found here. We encourage you to read them and to comment on them below if you wish. The final draft will be presented on Tuesday night for approval.

If you wish to attend the meeting, it will be brief, and there’ll be fresh baked cookies, so if the subject matter might be a little boring, at least the snacking won’t be. ๐Ÿ™‚

Date: Tuesday May 1st, 2012 (6:00pm)
Location: The residence at 752 Beatty Cr.

Please RSVP if you are coming so we can be sure there are enough fresh baked cookies to munch on.
NOTE: There were a few minor changes to the proposed bylaws and the new ones are found here.


  1. Wow, what a comprehensive and impressive document! I’ll nominate Anita to be on the board of directors (but is it OK that you do both jobs? ). I’ll be at the meeting Tues.

  2. I would second all nominations and I’ll be there on Tuesday!!
    Some questions: 1. Anita has done such a great job both in maintaining the website AND in organizing rides…should this be the responsibility of the VP in the future or could the Webmaster be any member at large?? 2. Would it be reasonable to ask each member to organize one event per riding season? Should there be a designated “ride leader” who is familiar with the route, for each ride?
    I think you guys/gals on the Board rock and hope you will stay on for a long time!! Although, for Randy’s next performance review, he needs to work on his cycling/work balance…ie. more cycling and less work!

    • I don’t mind doing the website biz, or posting the rides. The most time consuming part of what I do is establishing new routes. Plus, I am a little geographically challenged and don’t know the roads all that well. What would really help would be to have people send me routes (just written directions would work) with a start/stop location from which I could develop the maps. But if anyone wants to learn how to operate the website, it’s probably a good idea to train someone else….you know, just in case I skip the country or something. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Last year we designated ride leaders, then we tried going without for a while too, to see if one method worked better than the other. Sometimes just trying to organize ride leaders was more work so we just started telling people to bring their own maps.

  3. I’ll be there for the meeting and the cookies. Hope you had a good anniversary ride this morning. I was thinking of you. You sure had fabulous weather!

    • We were thinking of you today, and hoping you sold a whole ton of artwork to grace the walls of folks from all over.

  4. I have another appointment at that time – sorry ! (I would have switched it around if I’d known Randy was serious about cookies in the earlier post)

    • See! We say “cookies” and we get people to come out to what would otherwise be quite a boring meeting. (I knew it would work!)

  5. Great cake Anita !! Thanks for your inspirational leadership.
    Jamie thanks for watching over us today and all your professional photography during our first year.Randy thanks for starting NHCC โ€˜ a leap of cycling faithโ€™ and taking care of business ie incorporation et al Ride on!!!

    See you all on Tuesday.

  6. I will be at the meeting Tuesday night.
    Given the success of the club todate, that reflects on the executive and therefore I nominate the current people.
    No disrespect but I sent in 4 ride routes last year and didn’t see one of them.

  7. I will try for this meeting. I am looking forward to it. Congratulation on a really remarkable year and thanks so much for forming this amazing club.

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