It’s been a rough week in these parts! To best respond to the safety needs of our Club and it’s members the NHCC has reviewed and is implementing new Group Riding Protocols that will apply to all Group Rides. Please take a moment to review them before coming out for your next Club Ride and let’s all do our part to keep each other safe. We’re asking all club members to understand that it takes everyone to pitch in so let’s remind each other (gently) on rides how we can do better. These will be reviewed and modified from time to time but should for now be considered club policy. You can click on the image to read the complete policy or click on this link here Group Riding Safety Protocol
Good morning. First I’m so sorry to learn of the cycling accident last week. And thank you for working on new safety protocol for all rides. Regarding the new policy- I am unable to read the attachment. If there is a way to resend to me via email that would be most helpful.
Thank you Louanne Cable
Hello Louanne, you need to click on the image and it will open up a bigger more clear document.
We like the new rules a lot. Keeping a spacing between riders is a great improvement together with reducing group sizes. We would like some details on the crashes if it would help us learn from them.