NHCC Ride program depends on Ride Leaders—can you help out?

The NHCC needs at least 4 ride leaders for each Level in order for us to be able to offer regularly scheduled rides on the calendar.  With 22 weeks in the season, three rides every week per Level, it adds up to 66 rides per level this season. We’re not looking for commitments to ride every single week—just some times, so others don’t have to do it every time at the expense of their enjoying some of the other club rides! We have lots of routes and maps, so Ride Leaders who step forward don’t have to be responsible for all that!

Think you could pitch in this year? A little or a lot, we’ll take it! Please RSVP by completing the form below. If unable to view form, you can email secretary@northumberlandhillscyclingclub.com to indicate you’ll be an NHCC hero!

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