Paul’s Dirty Enduro (Saturday September 18th)

On Saturday, September 18, 2010 people will be gathering with their happy mountainbikes at the Ganaraska Forest Centre, getting ready to ride 15, 30, 60 or 100kms of amazing trails. Afterwards they will be digging into a terrific hot lunch and loading up from the prize tables laden with schwag for aall the brave riders. Check out the FAQs or Pre-register online.

Get all the info here, at “Paul’s Dirty Enduro” Website

Take a look at some pictures from the 2009 Dirty Enduro

Special Call for Volunteers

To volunteer, just click here and let the wonderful folks at Bloomfield Cycle know that you are interested in volunteering. I’m sure they’ll be happy to hear from you.

Volunteer Opportunities

SWEEP Riders
Sweep riders follow the last rider of each group. They help any injured bikes or riders that they encounter on their path. They carry communications and are in contact with the command centre for the race. It’s a terrific ride through the forest at the absolute slowest pace of the last rider in the group. SO … this is not a job that requires the rider to be FAST but it is definitely a job that requires an experienced rider.

There are lots of different distance options for being a sweepers. There are slots for sweeping the whole 15K or the whole 30k course, as well as slots for different sections of the 60k and 100k courses.

You can be a sweep rider if you:
• have some experience as a mountainbiker: even better if you have lots!
• have some basic first aid skills
• have some basic bike first aid skills
• have a good functional bike that can carry extra water bottles!

What do you get?
Fame, Glory, a Free T-shirt, a Free Ride, and a Free Lunch. You’ll be loaned the supplies you need: a “sweep pack” with some first aid supplies and a spare tube or two and some basic tools as well as a few extra snacks and some water.

And What do They Want in Return?
Your happy smiling self on your sturdy bicycle shepherding the field along on the woods helping out where you can, calling for help when it’s needed.

If this sounds interesting to you, please get ahold of someone at the Bloomfield Bicycle Company (Paul’s HQ) and if you know someone you think might be interested please feel free to pass it on to them, as well.

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