Ride Leaders Meeting (Postponed till next week)

We’re postponing the meeting till next week (date and time to be determined), so you still have time to give it some thought.  

The NHCC is still looking for some more help and support leading rides! You don’t need a load of experience because we have mentors who will work side-by-side with you until your confidence sets in! The more ride leaders, the more rides—so we know what fewer ride leaders means, don’t we 😉

If you haven’t submitted your name already please do so! It’s the ride leaders who will determine how many rides the NHCC will have, and when they will take place.  So, if you want to be an NHCC influencer, we’d love to have you on board!

Think you could pitch in? A little or a lot, we’ll take it! Please RSVP by either completing the form below. If unable to view form, you can email secretary@northumberlandhillscyclingclub.com to indicate you’ll come!

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One Comment

  1. I’m sure I can lead a ride here or there, especially in April and May. Tuesday or Thursday evenings work best for me next week, or during the day most days.

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