Ride: Sunday, October 23rd: Cornish Hollow to Harwood (10am)

We’ll meet at the Dale Road Store (Go north on Ontario, turn left at Dale Rd and it’s on the right) and take the route up toward Rice Lake making a brief stopover at the Harwood Store to grab some yummy bakes goodies.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: Dale Rd. Store
Route Map and Directions: Precious Corners to Harwood Route Map Here

Please print out a map for yourself and bring it with you. Also, we’d really like it if you mentioned below that you’re coming!


  1. I’ll be there if it’s dry, and not windy like last night. Sorry Jamie if I tried to take a picture while riding I would surely crash.

  2. Merry Christmas to me! pick up new bike from Pete’s tomorrow. Didn’t want to face down that asthma inducing Ferguson hill without a new one…. fingers crossed for a sunnyish day Sunday!

  3. Too cold for me and I don’t have my cold weather riding gear together……I’m going to pass on the ride this morning and stay inside with my warm coffee. (Randy’s staying inside with me!) We’ll wave at you going by!

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