Sunday April 29th, NHCC One Year “Anniversary Ride” and LUNCH

May 1st is the “official” one year anniversary of the Northumberland Hills Cycling Club. We’re going to mark this special occasion by riding and then heading into The Mill after our ride for lunch. It’s a great opportunity to socialize a bit and see what each other actually looks like without bike helmets and sunglasses.

The route is 41km long, and the map also provides an optional 10.7 km extension for those wanting a little more distance. If you wish to ride about 30km you can modify the route and travel straight across Dale Rd., skipping the part that goes north.

Reservations have been made on the Pub level of The Mill, where we can hang out and be a little more casual. Take a look at their menu in advance if you wish to do a little pre-planning. Their lunch items tend to be in the $10-15 range. Family and friends are all welcome for the Lunch.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The Mill Restaurant parking lot, Cobourg
Route map: “Anniversary Ride” 41.7 or 52.4km route map here
LUNCH RESERVATION: between 12:30 and 1:00 (Menu here)

Please RSVP below to mention how many will be coming to The Mill so we can make sure they can squeeze us all in. And if you’re riding, please mention that too so people can anticipate if there are others riding their preferred distance.


  1. I can’t make Thursday but I plan to ride on Sunday. I would like to bring my son-in-law along, He is a member of the OCA since he belongs to a club in Toronto. His name is Neil Degasparis. I’m not sure about lunch yet…we are a probably at the moment.

    • That would be great to have Neil come along. The more the merrier! This year we are asking non-club riders for $5 when they ride with us. Let us know ’bout lunch, I won’t be confirming the reservation till later Saturday afternoon.

  2. I’ll be there as long as it’s not raining. I’m planning to ride the 41k (but if the weather is decent I might do the 52). I’ll be there for lunch whether it rains or not!
    Randy will not (he’s working)
    Liam and Luke will not be there.

  3. I plan to ride long and dine with Jilll and all celebrating NHCC riders in the club that posted rides in each of the 12 months of its first year. Awesome !!!

  4. Can’t ride as it is studio tour weekend and I will hopefully be selling a lot of art that day. Sorry to miss it. Happy Anniversary everyone!!!

  5. I’ll be there!! I’m looking forward to my first ride with the group…and to wish everyone happy anniversary!

  6. planning on it, lunch as well…will do the long ride with you, sharon…weather pending, of course 😉
    hoping to bring another friend along, as well…will have her bring waiver & $5

  7. Diane and Roy Martin will be riding and dining.
    It will be only Diane’s second major ride with the club on her new Giant bike.
    Congradulations on the formation of a great club and members on its 1st anniversay.

  8. another change of plans – got an infected tendon in my hand today. Am on iv antibiotics tonight and tomorrow morning. So no ride 🙁

  9. Hey folks, I just thought I’d mention—You don’t even have to ride, and you’re still welcome to come to The Mill between 12:30 and 1:00, and bring friends and family too if you wish.

  10. Wishing everyone a wonderful birthday ride. I am at my desk reading the responses for todays ride and wishing I could have been there to share in the celbrations. The thing that makes our club so incredibly unique are the wonderful people who support it. I look forward to seeing all your smiling faces on many rides in this our second season!

  11. Great cake Anita !! Thanks for your inspirational leadership.
    Jamie thanks for watching over us today and all your professional photograph during our first year.Randy thanks for starting NHCC ‘ a leap of cycling faith’ and taking care of business ie incorporation et al.

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