Ride: Thursday, April 26 (30, 41 or 52km) 10am

So far the weather isn’t particularly promising, but there’s still a lot of time between now and then. We’ll head out and do a little preview of Sunday’s route which is 41km but can be shortened or lengthened as desired.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The Mill Restaurant parking lot, Cobourg
Route map: “Anniversary Ride” 41.7 or 52.4km route map here

Keep your eye on the weather, use those weather links in the right hand column, and if you’re riding, please mention that too so people can anticipate if there are others riding their preferred distance.


  1. What a great ride! AND, not a drop of rain!!! AND, the wind was very helpful going north!! So there!!

    • Also, be aware that you will be going the wrong way the down The Gully! It is a steep ONE WAY road with sandy patches…could be avoided by following Community Centre Road to County Road 45.

      • That’s good to know……see, that’s why we send out the Thursday group—to kind of “preview” the route. I think we’ll take your suggestion about taking Community Centre Rd. on Sunday.

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