Sunday September 12 (51k Ride: Shelter Valley)

There has been some interest in riding this route on Sunday morning, so let’s see how many riders we can get out. Although the route indicates a start and finish at the Marina, as usual we will start at Donegan Park instead. Hopefully there will be a few new faces after the Bike-for-the-Planet event.

Here is the route map. Please take a moment to print it out for yourselves and bring it with you.

Click here for 51k Shelter Valley Route Map

Start time: 10:00

Start location: Donegan Park

Respond below please, to let people know that you are coming!


  1. Well, it looks like there’s a possibility of showers in the morning. If it looks okay in the morning I’ll be there. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope for some more fabulous weather like we’ve had today!

    Anyone else coming?
    Anita (Randy won’t be there. He’s working nights)

  2. The rain looks as if it will be gone by 10am.
    Has anyone seen if the Construction is finished on Shelter Valley Road?
    If the rain has gone and my legs feel OK, 50KM might do me some good.

    • If you would like to print your pictures just let me know and I will send the originals to you. Just let me know the file name and I will email them. Anyone.
      As for Sunday I may need a nice ride. Saturday is the Dirty Enduro.
      Give some though to some rides with double loops. I know a few people that would like some shorter rides to start out. We could ride out, with them, bring them back and then go out on another loop for people wishing more distance.
      These people may only be looking for 20KM-30KM and I think riding with the group may make it more fun for them, thus…

    • yea those were good pics. Just ordered 3 through their order page .Cost me about 5 bucks. I’m up for a ride. The loop idea is good and perhaps can be altered prior to leaving depending on everyones interest

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