The NHCC is looking for Ride Leaders! Meeting on Tuesday March 15, 6:30pm

We are excited about the upcoming cycling season and need volunteers to meet with us next week to help put together our 2022 Ride Calendar. The meeting will also help us determine how and when we ride, who our Ride Leaders are, and if we have enough volunteers to support separated Levels (1, 2, 3, and 4).

Date: Tuesday March 15, 2022
Time: 6:30pm
Location: 8303 Smylie Rd.

Think you could pitch in this year? A little or a lot, we’ll take it! Please RSVP by either completing the form below. If unable to view form, you can email to indicate you’ll come!

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How many rides per week is the NHCC considering?

The number and variety of Club rides will be directly dependent upon how many volunteers step up!

We are hoping for 3 or 4 individuals for each Ride Level that can help with planning & leading—the more, the better! We would rotate ride leaders so it doesn’t become too onerous for any one individual this season.  You don’t need to be highly skilled or experienced—just interested enough to pitch in a little.

We’re not looking for commitments to ride every single week—just some times, so others don’t have to do it every time. We have lots of routes and maps, so Ride Leaders who step forward don’t have to be responsible for all that!


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