Thursday Evening Hike, 6:30 from Cobourg

The weather looks fantastic for a Thursday Night hike! We are going to try a new start location, and perhaps we’ll find different spots to explore (we always do!) Anticipate about 7-8km, (about 2 hours) of great conversation and burn a few calories at the same time!

Hikes are open to both members and guests! You can get your membership online right from the NHCC website—quick & easy.  Guests, please bring an Off-season waiver (available on our website).

Date: Thursday March 10, 6:30pm
Planners: Randy & Anita
Start location: YMCA Parking lot, Cobourg

How to RSVP (for members): 

  • Log into Cycle Club either on the web, or on your mobile device and go from there. If you aren’t setup yet, head on over to the website and take a look in the right hand column and click on the “Cycle Club”. 

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