Thursday, December 1st: Ride from The Mill

It’s going to be a chilly one. But for those hardy souls who want to get out there, the weather at least is not showing any precipitation.

If you are interested in riding, please indicate so by commenting below so others can plan accordingly too.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The Mill (Cobourg)
Route: To be determined.


  1. We know it’s getting reaaallllly bad for riding when Vivian is glad she has a dentist appointment. I might seek out something else to do on Thursday morning too…..

  2. Maria and I are hoping to do a ride a bit later in the day as she can’t go in the morning. Not sure where we are going to start or finish as we are going to touch base in the morning once we see what the weather is doing. We both kind of want to be able to say that we rode in December! Have fun at the dentist Vivian!

  3. Ride was lovely this am. sunny,light wind and -1. I did a 40k loop through Baltinore via Cornish Hollow.Rode the new bike lanes on Brook road coming home .There is a thin coat of snow in the forest so I am now thinking about ski season.

  4. Sounds great Paul – A few of us went out this afternoon too – fantastic weather & sunset. Have fun any of you who ride Sunday!

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