Sunday, November 27th: “Perrytown Pedlar” route, (10am, Port Hope start)

We’ll do it all again on Sunday, just in case you miss Thursday’s ride. Take the 42km or the 24k option, your choice. Begin in Cobourg and ride to the start point to add even more distance.

Jersey orders
By the way, the shirt order goes in on Thursday so if you haven’t already dropped off your payment, please do so before then or you’ll be shirtless! So far about 30-35 people have ordered shirts so we’re going to look awesome riding down the road in style come springtime. If you miss it this time around you’ll have to wait until we have 18 more sold before we place another order.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The Town Hall in Port Hope
Route: The Perrytown Pedlar route map here

So, what do you say?


  1. All right! All right!! Forward riding only 🙂 I’m riding whether I feel good or not (provided there’s no rain or snow) Advil is my friend! Surely this whatever it is that I have will have passed by Sunday.

  2. Can’t go as I have a show in my gallery this weekend so I have to be here, be nice and try to sell some art. Marianne, you will enjoy the ride as the countryside is beautiful. Wait ’til you see the old mill pond up near the top of Grist Mill Rd – magical! Hope you all have a great ride!

  3. Sunday might have some rain involved. If anyone would like to ride this route this (Saturday) afternoon. Leave a message and I will try to contact you when home from my errands. If no rain on Sunday I plan to ride then too.

  4. I think Jamie’s right……looks like rain is predicted for tomorrow. I’m in for a ride today (and tomorrow too if it doesn’t rain) Want to ride from Canadian Tire work? I’m at Randy’s, so I need a little notice to get going so I can run home and get my bike. You can phone here if you want.

    I’ll wait and see if I get a response from anyone here…….

  5. Well, the girls have a plan! (for Saturday that is, not Sunday)

    Vivian and Anita are starting from Canadian Tire at 1:40. Marianne is starting from the Port Hope Town Hall at 2:00. We should all meet up on the route, theoretically speaking.

    So, Jamie…..if you want to ride, hopefully we’ll see you out there!

  6. Sorry! I was still working at 3pm. Radar says that the rain won’t start in this area until 1 or 2 pm on Sunday. I will be heading to Port hope from here tomorrow morning. Is anyone planning to ride from Cobourg? Maybe I could catch you up on the way

  7. Well, Vivian, Marianne and I all did the route today. Great day for riding. Don’t know how I’ll feel in the morning so I’ll decide then whether or not to do it all again!

    • I am planning to go. I will be carrying some rain gear just in case.
      The Plan is to be at PH town Hall at 10 to see if others want to ride.

  8. The radar doesn’t look very good this morning. Going to hang on until 9am then decide where to ride. On the road or in the woods. Most likely in the woods as most will not want to ride in the rain.

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