Thursday July 4th, EVENING Ride option

Same as Thursday morning but only the short or medium route (no long route). If you are riding, please use the comment section to let others know. Although it doesn’t really get dark until 9:00, if you are riding the Medium route, you will likely need to have lights on your bike since they are required as of 8:28pm.

We’ll need ride leaders for the evening ride too. The Tour de Northumberland Hills distance is only 17.6 for Thursday, so you get  your distance in.

Start time: 6:30pm
Start location: Parking lot behind Dutch Oven
Route map: Printable route map here
Ride Leader (Short route, 28km): Being determined
Ride leader (Medium route, 45km):
Being determined
Sunset: 8:58pm (lights required at 8:28pm)


  1. I’ll try to make it (kind of depends on how my day shapes up) and, as long as we don’t go too fast, I think I might try the medium distance.

  2. I am hoping to be able to make the ride this evening. However, as with Pam it will dpend on my day and that other thing….the weather.

  3. I’m riding…..and let’s hope the potential thunderstorm for 7:00 doesn’t happen. We called it off this morning and it barely rained.

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