We will meet in the parking lot at the Port Hope Town Hall at 6:00 and then do a semi-urban hike of 8 to 10 kms. Afterwards we sometimes pop into a local establishment for a beverage and wings.
This week we will be hiking up to Choate Road to check out the Christmas display. Feel free to wear lights, etc.
These hikes are free to non-members. We just need a signed off-season waiver (see right side of NHCC homepage).
Start Time: 6:00
Start Location: Port Hope Town Hall parking lot
Hike Leader: Jim Berg
To let us know you are coming, please leave a comment.
Angela Herd will be there along with a few of her running friends. Can someone bring extra waivers? Thanks
I will bring blank guest waivers and a pen along on Thursday night.
I plan to join you.
I’ll be there!
No hiking for us tonight. Hope you guys have fun!