Thursday Night Hike March 5th – Cobourg

We will meet in front of Victoria Hall in Cobourg and then do a semi-urban hike of 5 to 9 kms.

Last week we walked along the lake and afterwards went to The Ale House.

These hikes are free to non-members. We just need a signed non-cycling waiver (see top right side of NHCC homepage).

Start Time: 6:00
Start Location: in front of Victoria Hall in Cobourg
Hike Leader: Jim Berg

To let us know you are coming, please leave a comment.

PS. I updated the post to correct the date.  It helps if I look at the right calendar.  🙂



  1. Regrets. I will not be able to make this Thursday’s hike. Sitting in on the commuter cycling master plan open house up in Baltimore.

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