Thursday, November 10th: 50km (or 18km) ride from Donegan Park, (10am)

This ride has plenty of opportunities for shortening the route. And hey, if you’re one of the “fasties” and you want to do the route at a quick, uninterrupted pace you’re welcome to break away from the crowd. Perhaps just indicate below that you’re riding on the fast-track and there might be others who want to join you. 🙂 Otherwise, we’ll mainly travel at a moderate pace.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: Donegan Park
Route:  “Shelter Valley” Route Map here

Please indicate that you will join us for the ride. (Bundle up warmly!)


  1. Don’t forget that Danforth road between Jarvis and Brookside road is Gravel and under construction.
    The Old Danforth between Benlock road and Purdy road is also gravel.

  2. Yeah, I rode back along Danforth Rd last Sunday and it was challenging even with my wider tires. I think that McEwan Rd goes down to #2 and Danforth is clear to the east of McEwan so that could be a good palce to turn south. (I should have turned south there but wasn’t sure if it went all the way down to #2.) In any case, we could always turn south at Brookside. Also, does anyone know how safe it is to ride along Telephone Rd west of Shelter Valley Rd? I am thinking that that would be a good place for me to turn back as the longer ride would be too far for me but I want to make sure that I will be safe. Thoughts anyone?

  3. Oops! I just realised that I was reading the map backwards so half of what I said above makes no sense. Duh! I’ll just show up for the ride and I’ll figure out a good place to turn back when I feel that I’ve gone far enough.

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