Tuesday March 20th ADVANCED Ride (6:00pm) St. Mary’s School

This ride is for those folks who are experienced, aren’t afraid of speed, and want a little challenge early in the season. If you are riding, please remember to bring your headlights in case you’re still on the road near sunset, and red lights for the back of your bikes.

What does “Advanced” Mean?
Advanced rides typically include hills and/or speed and is designed to allow riders to challenge their own limits if they wish. Although riders may head out in group fashion initially, it’s not a “group” ride—All riders are expected to be self-sufficient in the event of  mechanical failure, and should also be equipped with a good understanding of the route in the event that the group becomes separated.

**Since it’s the first advanced ride of the season, there will be no permanent drop. If you fall off the back we will eventually wait or pair you up. No lone riders.

Start time: 6:00pm sharp!
Start location: St. Mary’s School parking lot, northern end
Distance and Route: To be announced at the start point
Ride Leader: Jamie Barnes


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