Tomorrow is among the warmest days in this weeks forecast! We have a 7k (approx.) hike leaving from the corner of Smylie/Burnham tomorrow. If you know where my house is you can park there, along the street. We’ll be heading East this time, and go up Baker Rd for the unmaintained road portion, which is a link between Smylie and Cornish Hollow. You will be all welcome to come in for tea/coffee & snacks afterward!
Start time: 9:30
Hike Leader: Anita
Start location: Smylie & Burnham (or my house)
Would love to do this hike but Petra and I are presenting to Cobourg Police Services Board on Tuesday morning. Wish us luck!
I will be there
Wish I could join you but work calls. 🙁
I’ll be joining the hike.
Maaike and I will join you.
I will be joining you.