All packed up—biking gear, night on the town gear, camping gear etc. 30 lbs in total
For a little arm-chair adventure this month, follow Helmut and his brother as they will be going to cross South America from Pacific to the Atlantic on their own self-supported bike tour, leaving January 1st and returning sometime about a month later—they’ll book their flight when they get closer to their final destination! They will start in Santiago Chile and will travel through Argentina, Uruguay and then Buenos Aires for the flight home. You can follow Helmut’s adventures as he blogs about it while on the road. About 2,300 kms in total if all goes according to plan—and if you interested in seeing the kind of elevation they’ll encounter going over the Andes, check out Helmut’s tentative route on Ride with GPS. There’s some serious elevation that will make you sweat just thinking about it. We all look forward to you sharing your travels with us. Safe travels Helmut!
Follow Helmut’s blog for all his adventures: bockonabike.wordpress.com
Helmet, have an AMAZING trip!! Look forward to seeing some incredible photos and hearing all about it!! Safe travels!!